Queen of Cups

28   34

Yesterday Almanac Tomorrow

Today is Day 82 of 2025

George Frideric Handel's oratorio ''Messiah'' had its London premieres.
During the Hallelujah Chorus portion, King George II who was in attendence, was so overcome by the music that he involuntarily stood up from his seat.
The audience, out of respect for the king, also stood up.
Ever since, it has been a tradition that the audience rises during the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus.

Patrick Henry gives his "Give me liberty or Give me death!" speech.

Tsar Paul I of Russia is struck with a sword, then strangled, and finally trampled to death inside his bedroom at St. Michael's Castle.

Old West outlaw Nathaniel 'Texas Jack' Reed born in Madison County, Arkansas.

German-American painter and illustrator J. C. Leyendecker born in Montabaur, Germany.

Spanish cubist painter Juan Gris (born José Victoriano González) born in Madrid, Spain.


Actress Joan Crawford born in San Antonio, Texas.

Film director Akira Kurosawa (Throne of Blood) born Tokyo.

Rocket scientist Wernher von Braun born in Wirsitz, Prussia.
He worked on the Nazi V2 rocket and later the American space program.

Runner Roger Bannister born in London.
Famed for being the first to run the four minute mile.

John Lennon's In His Own Write published.

Square One Ranch
Photo of the Day

Raven over glides over the Grand Canyon on 20210222.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Photo available Here

This Day at the New Yorker

"One moon shows in every pool; in every pool, the one moon." ~ Zen Proverb


Square One Ranch
Square One Ranch