The Tower

6   29

Yesterday Almanac Tomorrow

Today is Day 136 of 2025


James Boswell first met Dr Samuel Johnson whose famous biography, Life of Dr Johnson, he wrote.
It would be published on this day in 1791.

French King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette marry.
The future French king & queen were 15 and 14 respectively.

Edgar Allan Poe marries his 13-year-old cousin, the tubercular Virginia Clemm.


Buffalo Bill Cody's first Wild West show premieres in Omaha, Nebraska.

Actor Henry Fonda (Mister Roberts) born in Grand Island, Nebraska.

Author and historian Studs Terkel (The Good War) born in New York City.

Pianist Liberace born in West Allis, Wisconsin.

Hollywood presents the first Academy Awards.
Wings was Best Picture.
Emil Jannings Best Actor.
Janet Gaynor Best Actress.

Poet Adrienne Rich born in Baltimore, Maryland.
Recipient of the Bollingen Prize for Poetry in 2003.

Guitarist Robert Fripp (King Crimson) born in Wimborne Minster, England.

The Cultural Revolution begins with the issuing of the May 16 Notice which declared that the only way to locate the revisionist counter-revolutionaries was through "the telescope and microscope of Mao Zedong Thought."

Two of the best rock albums were released on this day - Bob Dylan's Blonde on Blonde and The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds.

Comedian Andy Kaufman dies of cancer at age 35.

Square One Ranch
Photo of the Day

Lichen covered fence at Port Arthur, Tasmania on 20180516.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Photo available Here

This Day at the New Yorker

“Better to be alone than accompanied badly.” ~ French Proverb


Square One Ranch
Square One Ranch