Eight of Pentacles

29   6

Yesterday Almanac Tomorrow

Today is Day 197 of 2025

Premier of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera The Abduction from the Seraglio.

Founder of Christian Science Mary Baker Eddy born in Bow, New Hampshire.

Baseball's Shoeless Joe Jackson born in Pickens County, South Carolina.
He was charged with taking part in the Black Sox scandal of 1919.

Barbara Stanwyck (Double Indemnity) born in Brooklyn, New York.

Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, four daughters and son, are executed by the Bolsheviks in a basement in Ekaterinburg, Russia.

Joe DiMaggio hits safely for the 56th consecutive game, a streak that still stands as a MLB record.


The beginning of the Atomic Age begins with the first atom bomb detonation on the desert floor.
The bomb is detonated in what is called the Trinity site near Alamogordo, New Mexico.

J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye is first published.


Apollo 11 was launched from Cape Kennedy, Florida.
It will be the first manned space mission to land on the moon.

A private plane being piloted by John F. Kennedy, Jr. fails to land at the Martha Vineyard airport.
The search for Kennedy, his wife and sister-in-law would end July 21, when the three bodies were recovered from the ocean floor off of Martha's Vineyard by Navy divers.

Square One Ranch
Photo of the Day

Low tide at sunrise near Moclip, Washington taken on this day in 2018.
Click on photo for larger preview of low tide art

This Day at the New Yorker

The bigger the hat, the smaller the property. ~ Australian Proverb


Square One Ranch
Square One Ranch