The Emperor

41   49

Yesterday Almanac Tomorrow

Today is Day 198 of 2025

World Emoji Day

Charlotte Corday is publicly executed four days after she had assassinated Jean-Paul Marat by stabbing him in his bathtub.
The executioner lifted Corday's head out of the guillotine's basket and slapped both cheeks.

Mystery writer Erle Stanley Gardner born in Malden, Massachusetts.
He wrote over 80 mystery novels featuring lawyer Perry Mason.


16 year old Indian sage Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi initiates a process of self-enquiry that culminates within a few minutes in his own permanent awakening.

Photographer Berenice Abbott born in Springfield, Ohio.

Actor James Cagney born in New York.

American comedienne Phyllis Diller born in Lima, Ohio.

King George V of England issues an Order in Council stating that the male line descendants of the British royal family would henceforth bear the surname Windsor rather than the German-origin House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

The RMS Carpathia is sunk off the coast of Ireland by a German submarine.
The Carpathia was famous for rescuing the 705 passengers from the RMS Titanic in 1912.

Jazz musician, composer Vince Guaraldi born in San Francisco.

Variety publishes its most famous headline - Sticks Nix Hick Pix,.
Translation: rural Americans didn't like movies about rural America.

Pilot Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan takes off for California but lands in Ireland.
He complained that his compass was faulty.

The first Newport Jazz Festival begins in Rhode Island.


Disneyland opens in Orange County, California.

American jazz singer Billie Holiday dies as a result of her drug addiction.


The Beatles animated film Yellow Submarine premieres at the London Pavilion.


XXI Summer Olympics open in Montreal, Canada.

In St Petersburg, Nicholas II of Russia and his family are buried in Ekaterininsky Predel (St Catherine Chapel), 80 years after they were killed by Bolsheviks.

Square One Ranch
Photo of the Day

Cliffs near Moclip, Washington taken on this day in 2018.
Click on photo for larger preview or check out this cliff art

This Day at the New Yorker

The better the fruit, the more wasps to eat it. ~ English Proverb


Square One Ranch
Square One Ranch