Ten of Swords

10   62

Yesterday Almanac Tomorrow

Today is Day 223 of 2025

3114 BC
Day one of the
Mayan Long Count calendar begins.

Hamnet Shakespeare, only son of poet, actor and playwright William Shakespeare, dies at age 11 in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.

First ascent of the Eiger mountain in Switzerland occured when guides Christian Almer and Peter Bohren made the ascent with their Irish guest, Charles Barrington,

Songwriter Carrie Jacobs Bond (I Love You Truly) born Janesville, Wisconsin.

Poet and poetry editor for the New Yorker Louise Bogan born in Livermore Falls, Maine.


Now that I know
How passion warms little
Of flesh in the mould,
And treasure is brittle,-

I'll lie here and learn
How, over their ground,
Trees make a long shadow
And a light sound.


National Football League's Green Bay Packers founded.

Writer Alex Haley (Roots) born in Ithaca, New York.

Actress Hedy Lamarr and composer George Antheil receive a patent for a communication system that later became the basis for modern technologies in wireless telephones and Wi-Fi.

Personal computer pioneer Steve Wozniak born in San Jose, California.


Abstract artist Jackson Pollock dies in auto accident out on Fireplace Road in East Hampton, New York


Beatles movie “A Hard Days Night” opens in New York City

Six days of rioting breaks out in Watts in Southeast Los Angeles after a rountine drunk driving arrest.

Square One Ranch
Photo of the Day

Six palms near Square One Ranch.
Taken 20200810 with the X camera.
Click on the photo for a larger view.
Photo available Here

This Day at the New Yorker

It is the good horse that draws its own cart. ~ Irish proverb


Square One Ranch
Square One Ranch